White Lilies & Carnations in a Blue Box


Add elegance to any space with our white lilies, pink carnations, and lush greenery arrangement in a stunning blue base.


White Lilies & Carnations in a Blue Box:This exquisite floral arrangement combines the timeless elegance of white lilies with the soft charm of white carnations, nestled amidst vibrant ornamental cabbage leaves. Accentuated by bold red carnations and complemented by lush green foliage, this design exudes sophistication and natural beauty. Perfectly housed in a striking blue base, this center piece is ideal for adding a touch of class to any occasion or space.

Delivery Information:

  • The image shown is a sample and may differ in design or shape depending on availability.
  • Flowers may be delivered at various stages of blooming: bud, semi-bloomed, or fully bloomed.
  • Delivery timing is an estimate and depends on the product’s availability and the destination.
  • Due to the perishable nature of flowers, only one delivery attempt will be made.
  • We cannot redirect the delivery to another address.
  • Some products may be hand delivered, while others are shipped via courier, and they may arrive separately.
  • In some cases, substitutions may occur  due to occasional and/or area-specific unavailability.
  • For further information refer to the terms and conditions.

Care Instructions:

  • When you receive the flowers, trim the stems at a 45-degree angle, about 1-2 inches from the bottom.
  • Place them in fresh water immediately.
  • Remove any leaves that are submerged in water to prevent rot.
  • Keep the flowers in a cool place, away from direct sunlight and heat sources.
  • Mist the flowers lightly each day to help keep them fresh.
  • Check the water level daily and add more if needed.
  • Visit our youtube channel for more information on flower care.

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