Basket of Red Roses


Elegant basket of vibrant red roses, symbolizing love and passion. Perfect for weddings, anniversaries, or romantic surprises. Order now to impress!


A basket of red roses is a timeless symbol of love, passion, and admiration. Overflowing with vibrant, fragrant blossoms, this arrangement radiates elegance and romance. Each rose is handpicked for its lush beauty, artfully arranged in a decorative basket to create a stunning visual display. Perfect for weddings, anniversaries, or any occasion that calls for a heartfelt gesture, this basket is sure to leave a lasting impression.

Delivery Information:

  • The image shown is a sample and may differ in design or shape depending on availability.
  • Flowers may be delivered at various stages of blooming: bud, semi-bloomed, or fully bloomed.
  • Delivery timing is an estimate and depends on the product’s availability and the destination.
  • Due to the perishable nature of flowers, only one delivery attempt will be made.
  • We cannot redirect the delivery to another address.
  • Some products may be hand delivered, while others are shipped via courier, and they may arrive separately.
  • In some cases, substitutions may occur  due to occasional and/or area-specific unavailability.

Care Instructions:

  • When you receive the flowers, trim the stems at a 45-degree angle, about 1-2 inches from the bottom.
  • Place them in fresh water immediately.
  • Remove any leaves that are submerged in water to prevent rot.
  • Keep the flowers in a cool place, away from direct sunlight and heat sources.
  • Mist the flowers lightly each day to help keep them fresh.
  • Check the water level daily and add more if needed.