Teddy Bear Bouquet


Delightful teddy bear bouquet with cuddly white bears, red ribbons, & Dairy Milk chocolate. Perfect gift for loved ones! Shop now for sweet surprises!


Teddy Bear Bouquet:

Charming teddy bear bouquet featuring multiple white teddy bears adorned with red ribbon, combined with a dairy milk chocolate and elegantly wrapped in vibrant red sheet and red ribbon bow. Perfect for gifting on special occasions like Valentine’s Day or anniversaries

Delivery Information:

  • The image is for reference only; actual products may differ in design or shape based on availability.
  • Delivery time is an estimate, depending on stock availability and the delivery location.
  • Due to the nature of chocolates and teddies, delivery will be attempted only once.
  • The delivery address cannot be changed once the order is placed.
  • Some products may be hand delivered, while others are shipped via courier, and they may arrive separately.
  • Substitutions may occur  due to occasional and/or area-specific unavailability.
  • For further information refer to the terms and conditions.

Care Instructions:

  • For Chocolates:
    • Keep chocolates in a cool place or refrigerate them.
    • Avoid exposing chocolates to high temperatures to maintain their quality.
    • Consume chocolates before the expiry date.
  • For Teddy:
    • Hand wash your teddy with a mild detergent.
    • Never machine wash. Air dry the teddy outdoors, or dry clean if needed.
    • Store it in a dry, clean place to preserve its condition.
    • Visit our youtube channel for more information on flower care.