Adorable Pink Teddies with Elegant Roses


Elegant pink roses with two cute pink teddies and fillers in a gorgeous box, perfect for gifting on special occasions or to express your love.


A delightful arrangement of pink roses accompanied by two adorable pink teddies nestled in a stunning decorative box. The arrangement is complemented with fillers and delicate baby’s breath, creating a perfect blend of charm and elegance. Ideal for expressing love, affection, or a thoughtful gift for special occasions like anniversaries, birthdays, or Valentine’s Day.

Delivery Information:

  • The image displayed is for reference purposes only, and actual products may vary in shape or design.
  • Flowers may be delivered in varying stages of bloom (bud, semi-bloomed, or fully bloomed).
  • The delivery time is an estimate and depends on product availability and delivery location.
  • Since both flowers and teddy bears are perishable or delicate, only one delivery attempt will be made.
  • The delivery address cannot be redirected.
  • Some products may be hand delivered, while others are shipped via courier, and they may arrive separately.
  • Substitutions may be made for flowers or teddies due to occasional and/or area-specific unavailability.

Care Instructions:

  • For Flowers:
    • Trim the stems at a 45-degree angle, about 1-2 inches from the base.
    • Place flowers in water and check the water level daily.
    • Remove any submerged leaves to prevent decay.
    • Keep flowers away from heat or direct sunlight.
    • Mist them daily for longer freshness.
  • For Teddy:
    • Hand wash with a mild detergent to keep your teddy clean.
    • Avoid machine washing.
    • Air dry the teddy outside after cleaning, or opt for dry cleaning.
    • Keep it in a clean and dry place to maintain its condition.