Teddy Bouquet with Roses


Discover the perfect gift with a teddy bouquet featuring white-pink roses and Dairy Milk chocolates. A heartfelt surprise for any occasion!


Delight your loved ones with a charming teddy bouquet that combines the sweetness of Dairy Milk chocolates and the elegance of white-pink roses. Nestled within a beautifully arranged bouquet, the soft and cuddly teddy adds a heartwarming touch, making it the perfect gift for special occasions like birthdays, anniversaries, or just to show you care. This thoughtful ensemble is crafted to bring smiles and create unforgettable memories.

Delivery Information:

  • The image is for reference only; actual products may differ in design or shape based on availability.
  • Delivery time is an estimate, depending on stock availability and the delivery location.
  • Due to the nature of chocolates, Flowers and teddies, delivery will be attempted only once.
  • The delivery address cannot be changed once the order is placed.
  • Some products may be hand delivered, while others are shipped via courier, and they may arrive separately.
  • Substitutions may occur  due to occasional and/or area-specific unavailability.

Care Instructions:

  • For Chocolates:
    • Keep chocolates in a cool place or refrigerate them.
    • Avoid exposing chocolates to high temperatures to maintain their quality.
    • Consume chocolates before the expiry date.
  • For Teddy:
    • Hand wash your teddy with a mild detergent.
    • Never machine wash. Air dry the teddy outdoors, or dry clean if needed.
    • Store it in a dry, clean place to preserve its condition.
  • For Flowers:
    • Trim the stems at a 45-degree angle, about 1-2 inches from the base.
    • Place flowers in water and check the water level daily.
    • Remove any submerged leaves to prevent decay.
    • Keep flowers away from heat or direct sunlight.
    • Mist them daily for longer freshness.